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Avenue Louise 287
1050 Brussel

Gauthier Mommens



« Altavia is the leading independent international group specialising in commercial communication for the retail sector. For 33 years now our staff have shared the same commitment to retail and worked every day on supporting sales activation for more than 300 brands and retailers. They share the same multi-channel approach to their clients’ commercial communication needs, enabling them to offer bespoke solutions at every stage in the value chain. »


CEO & Founder of Altavia

Altavia and Corporate Social Responsability

As the leading independent international group specialising in commercial communication for the retail sector in the world, we are acutely aware of our social, economic and environmental responsibilities and those of our clients. Our CSR policy is part of our DNA. In total coherence with our values and ethics, it structures our business and plays an integral role in all our services.
We firmly believe that the philosophy of continuous improvement applies to our CSR policy and should be measured and evaluated. We have consequently entered into partnerships with leading assessment bodies and we are monitored year on year.


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