Dedoncker P&G bv

Code de certificat FSC: SCS-COC-005219-MM
Code de licence FSC : FSC-C008551
Blijkheerstraat 48
1755 Gooik
What we do
For 25 years already, we do forest operation and trade in poplar trunks.
We can help you when you are the owner of poplars that are ready for cutting and that you would like to sell.
We gladly visit you and offer a free quote, without any obligation
Both poplars in forests and in line planting are suitable.
Our company can take care of the full reclamation, from beginning to end (apply for cutting permit, draft management plans, cutting and reclaiming trees, clearing branches, and replanting the forest with young trees).
We also take care of the plantation of new forests.
We also supply poplar round wood to the domestic and international manufacturing industry, for the production of e.g. wooden chests, transportation pallets, or trunks for the production of matches, veneer, multiplex, etc.
We deliver residual wood to biomass companies to produce green energy.
In addition, we deliver and sell trunks to individuals for firewood.
- Bois de chauffage
- Peuplier
- Grumes
- Bois européen - grumes