Since the 18th century, people have used wallpapers to make their homes the most beautiful places in the world. Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch is one of the pioneers from this period, and our stylish heritage has been creating beautiful art for your walls for over 150 years. Now the company is being run by the fifth generation of the Rasch family. The cousins, Dr. Frederik Rasch, Dario Rasch-Schulze Isfort, are the executives who continue the tradition started by the company’s founders in 1861, namely giving rooms an individual character and turning them into desirable places to be by adding beauty and a love for detail.
The brand has always stood for high quality, sophisticated design and a constant pursuit of the latest technologies and developments in the art of wallpaper. Standing still means falling behind as new trends are born across the globe several times a year. Taking account of these trends while also setting its own has long been a tried and trusted approach for this family company. In order to convey and simplify trends, the rasch brand has packaged them in easy-to-grasp style concepts. These act as signposts so that nature lovers, fans of classicism, modern hipsters, mainstream culture lovers and those who just like things to be beautiful can find the right wallpaper quickly and easily.
“For the most modern and effective wallcoverings,” was a promise that graced rasch posters in 1900 – and it is still true today. Working with a strong team of 430 employees at the head office in Bramsche, this philosophy continues to be promoted with commitment and much passion. The Rasch group also has other production sites in Poland and the Ukraine, as well as offices in Russia, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the UK, China and the Ukraine.
We award our wallpapers a seal as a sign of our passion for our work and our products. The stylised tower, part of the company’s office building, symbolises the courage to dare try something new, never to give up, and to believe in the product. The seal also indicates the link between tradition and modernity – the foundations on which this wallpaper manufacturer’s success has been built from the start.