Sofidel Benelux

Code de certificat FSC: SGSCH-COC-001097-K
Code de licence FSC : FSC-C017535
A. Stocletlaan 3
2570 Duffel
Sofidel Group
Sofidel Group was founded in 1966 and is now one of the world leaders in the tissue paper production market for hygienic and domestic use: toilet paper, napkins, kitchen paper, handkerchiefs and tissues)
Its best known brand, available in several countries, is Regina, which stands alongside other prestigious brands.
From its headquarters in Porcari (Lucca), Sofidel coordinates the activities of 20 companies throughout Europe and the United States, which produce more than one million tonnes of paper each year and provide more than 5500 people with employment.
The Group’s daily business includes the creation of value based on a profound sense of respect for the world we live in.
Because for Sofidel corporate social responsibility is an essential tool for promoting long-lasting and respectful development of environmental equilibrium and people’s needs, today and in the future.
Toilet paper, kitchen paper, napkins, handkerchiefs, tissues… Each Sofidel product expresses the strategy of a group that makes innovation, safety and attention to health, personal well-being and protecting the environment the reference points of its value creation process.
Quality is guaranteed by complying with the rules that govern the entire production process .
For Sofidel, Safety is a crucial value that concerns both its workers and production plants as well as the people who use its products or who are involved in any way with its activity. For this reason the Group places unyielding attention to the compliance with safety standards in the workplace and to the most common, international, self-controlled hygiene-sanitary standards, contributing in many cases, through its good practices, to pre-empting future standard-related requests.
Innovation is a principle that inspires every daily activity of the Group from the standpoint that “Less is More”: in terms of production, the objective is to manufacture products with an increasingly reduced ecological footprint, yet increasingly effective; products that require lesser shares of nature’s capital thanks to higher functional qualities and innovative performance.
“With the trademark Regina and its “Big Rolls”, Sofidel was the first tissue company to create the maxi roll category, with more than twice the amount of paper than normal rolls.
With Softis (link a Softis) the air cushion technology increased softness and strength.
With the line Papernet,
Sofidel has launched, on the other hand, an actual revolution in the Away-from-Home sector: Biotech technology is used to produce active toilet paper that is able to sanitise pipes, while Dissolve Tech is used to produce paper towels that dissolve in the toilet without clogging.
Another recent innovation has been Zerotube toilet roll, which uses a mini roll with an additional 50 sheets of toilet paper in place of the usual cardboard roll, which is also handy to carry in your bag. ”
Well-being is what the tissue paper products are able to offer people any time of day, as well as the quality of life guaranteed by the
sustainable processes used to make them.
This approach has allowed Sofidel to grow and develop, becoming one of the world’s leading tissue paper producers.
Today its products reach households, workplaces and public establishments across Europe and in the United States, offering customers and consumers maximum comfort, hygiene, convenience, high levels of service. Besides the certainty of always being able to count on a solid company that bases its business on values developed for the long term and its ability to listen to the needs of its stakeholders, in addition to suggestions for building a better world to live in, together.
The production and distribution of the tissue products manufactured by the paper mills in Sofidel Group are divided into four different lines of business.
Consumers Brand
Private label
Jumbo Roll
- Couches pour bébés
- Papier toilette
- Papier toilette humide
- Mouchoirs
- Essuie-tout
- Produits d'hygiène féminine